Yahweh (1)

D:Day38.5 Father, call me God the Mother, call me Creator, or Great Spirit,  Yahweh or Allah, but call me yours. For this is who I Am.

yard (1)

D:7.28 city, state, and country you occupy. You have an address, perhaps a  yard, or farm, perhaps a public spot that has become a favorite park

year (5)

C:25.9 in thousands of different scenarios in your life day after day and  year after year until you realize and truly believe the basic tenets
C:25.9 of different scenarios in your life day after day and year after  year until you realize and truly believe the basic tenets this Course
T3:15.1 begin anew through changes in locale and employment. Each new school  year of the young provides a fresh start. Deaths of loved ones and
T3:15.5 nothing has really changed. A student who failed to learn the prior  year, while eager and confident in being able to succeed in the
T3:15.5 while eager and confident in being able to succeed in the current  year, will continue to be plagued by memories of failure. The

yearn (5)

C:1.12 own” is ludicrous. This is why love is your greatest teacher. To  yearn for what is like yourself is to yearn for your Creator and,
C:1.12 is your greatest teacher. To yearn for what is like yourself is to  yearn for your Creator and, when perception is healed, to create like
C:1.16 What could cause you to  yearn for love in a loveless world? By what means do you continue to
C:16.10 mind would bid it do, and this is why you fear it even while you  yearn for it. This is what the split mind would call reason—a world
C:19.14 itself. It would be impossible for you to be a being that can  yearn for knowledge of your Creator without this knowledge being

yearned (1)

T4:1.23 if these distinctions have become more and more obscure. Some have  yearned for a return to days not long past, days during which

yearning (15)

C:1.12 and, when perception is healed, to create like your Creator. This  yearning exists naturally within you and cannot be diminished or
C:1.15 does not exist. And you do not exist apart from your Creator. Your  yearning for love is what tells you this is so. It is the proof you
C:4.8  Yearning, learning, seeking, acquiring, the need to own, the need to
C:19.6 yearns for union and knowledge of its Creator. Thus along with this  yearning was a means provided for its fulfillment, and with this
C:19.7 desire for union with all and for knowledge of your Creator. This  yearning must but be a pure yearning—untainted by fear and judgment
C:19.7 and for knowledge of your Creator. This yearning must but be a pure  yearning—untainted by fear and judgment and approached with
T4:1.22 You have felt this shift coming and so has the world. This is the  yearning we have spoken of as the proof of love’s existence and of
T4:1.22 in a state of unity rather than a state of separation. This  yearning called you to the limits of the state of consciousness that
T4:1.23 taken place, it is a different world. You have not known the secret  yearning in the hearts of your brothers and sisters, nor have you
T4:1.23 known that it matched your own. You may have seen the acts that this  yearning has driven them to and thought, incorrectly, that the new
T4:8.9 striving to be more and more, faster and faster—each being’s  yearning, passionate, excessive drive to fulfill its purpose, like a
D:8.10 that arises from separation is still valuable, as it is a sign of  yearning toward the true Self and the true expression of the Self.
D:8.12 The divided self is the small self of separation that is constantly  yearning for union with that from which it is divided. Enter the
D:Day4.31 end of the time of learning. You, on the other hand, are thinking,  yearning, grasping for the details. You would like to know how, what,
D:Day25.1 may seem to plague many of you. Where once the mind was searching,  yearning, questioning, now it is likely to become still. From the

yearns (7)

C:1.12 of your affection. This is not the love of which we speak. The heart  yearns for what is like itself. Thus love yearns for love. To think
C:1.12 which we speak. The heart yearns for what is like itself. Thus love  yearns for love. To think of achieving love “on one’s own” is
C:3.18 heart’s desires will save you now. Remember it is your heart that  yearns for home. Your heart that yearns for love remembered. Your
C:3.18 now. Remember it is your heart that yearns for home. Your heart that  yearns for love remembered. Your heart that leads the way that,
C:6.5 Make a new choice! The choice that your heart  yearns to make for you and that your mind is finding increasingly
C:19.6 Your saving grace is that even a separated self  yearns for union and knowledge of its Creator. Thus along with this
C:19.17 A mind that can conceive of a creator combined with a heart that  yearns for knowledge of, and union with, that creator, can bypass the

years (27)

C:P.26 of another distant relative or a relative who lived and died many  years previously. You see nothing odd or foreign in this. This is the
C:8.21 quite superior, the ultimate achievement of the world and all its  years of evolution. There are days you will feel quite of the earth,
C:9.32 of the birds of the air or the flowers of the field. Two thousand  years have passed since you were told to observe this lesson. The
C:9.47 will be no long remembering of regrets, no feeling badly for all the  years in which you saw this not. There will merely be a glad “Aha!”
C:10.2 I can merely tell you where to look, and save you countless  years of seeking where the truth is not, if you will but seek where I
C:14.19 will keep you linked. Some of you do this quite obviously, and over  years and years create a web of intricate design, a snare or trap
C:14.19 you linked. Some of you do this quite obviously, and over years and  years create a web of intricate design, a snare or trap that seems
T1:8.3 time and it may take a hundred or a thousand or even two thousand  years for the real truth to be realized. Even though many versions of
T1:8.4 to reveal the one truth that has existed for the past two thousand  years without your comprehension of it. The nature of life changed
T2:6.2 I speak here not of the rules of time that govern your days and  years but the rules of time that you believe govern your days and
T2:6.2 years but the rules of time that you believe govern your days and  years and that you thus allow to govern your thinking. If time is but
T3:10.13 Spanish as a child and then learned and spoke English for many  years, you might believe your Spanish to be forgotten. However, if
T3:10.13 into the other. But eventually, if this situation went on for many  years, you might think you had forgotten your ability to understand
T3:15.6 months of change as the basis for trust in the new. For others six  years would not be enough.
T4:1.13 in the past? Could it have been activated hundreds or thousands of  years ago, by countless souls more worthy than you, and ushered in
T4:1.14 and you the chosen people. If the chosen time had been two thousand  years ago, life would have been different since then. If Jesus Christ
T4:2.15 now than you were as a child, and different now than you were a few  years ago, and different now than when you began your learning of
T4:2.15 you are now was there when you were a child, and there in all the  years since then, and there before you began your learning of this
T4:4.10 you call a lifetime—be it a lifetime of twenty or fifty or ninety  years. Life has continuously been prolonged without a substantial
D:17.24 he started from. In story form, this takes place with movement.  Years are spent traveling many paths and many miles. All the
D:Day2.4 You are like an inventor who wasted many  years, much money, and endured many hardships over many projects that
D:Day3.4 individuals and as a species, have been conditioned by thousands of  years of learning through the mind—learning in often painful ways—
D:Day3.30 in the same way. You may go along just fine for weeks or months or  years, unworried about your health until the slightest pain makes you
D:Day10.20 dialogue as that belonging to the man Jesus who lived two thousand  years ago. To continue to identify this voice with that man is to be
D:Day10.20 that this is the same voice that animated the man Jesus two thousand  years ago will aide you in realizing that this is the voice that will
D:Day18.1 new as they do so. Each way is as needed now as it was two thousand  years ago.
D:Day28.2 of awareness, and we will speak here of those experienced during the  years of what is called adulthood, coming of age, or the age of

yes (20)

C:I.8 to some, easy to some, complex to some. The mind may say, “Yes,  yes, I know. Tell me something I don’t know.” The mind may reel at
C:2.1 recognized. Can you pass love by and not know that it is there? Oh,  yes. You do it constantly by choosing to see illusion rather than the
C:3.20 be asked if you would have other than the love you would not answer  yes. What else is worth such cost, such suffering, so many tears?
C:8.21 will be quite the opposite, and you will wonder where you are.  Yes, there your body is, but where are you?
C:11.9 you can be grateful to Him for some things and blame Him for others.  Yes, perhaps this God you think you know has given you everything,
C:13.11 of your preconceived notions of others and yourself be shattered? Oh  yes, and rightly so. Gladly will you let them go and, if you trust
C:14.24 love and heaven together in a parody of creation’s meaning of each.  Yes, they go together, and this you know; but the purpose of neither
C:15.4 misery to others with his desire for specialness, but not you.  Yes, taken on a grand scale, you can see that this desire can wreak
T1:7.4  Yes, I have said that contrast is a favored teaching device of the
T1:10.7 Are you being asked to give up extremes?  Yes. You are being asked to give up all that would take peace from
T2:10.19 The Christ in you has no need to plan. A need to come to know,  yes. But a need to plan, no. The Christ in you needs not for you to
T3:20.10 and to never deny it. To see no circumstance as cause to abandon it.  Yes, I am providing you with means to help you know how to live by
T4:1.8 choice. A choice is always made. A choice to accept or reject, say  yes or say no, to learn this or to learn that, to learn now or to
D:6.12 that reveal that the laws of spirit and the laws of man coexist.  Yes, there are natural laws, but these “natural” laws are not the
D:13.9 come to know without sharing in relationship? Partial expression,  yes. But that partial expression will bear the mark of your
D:Day2.11 cause of the divorce, this was different than a tornado or a flood.  Yes, this was different, but this difference does not place these
D:Day9.24 contingent upon your ability to accept that you are your ideal self.  Yes, even right now, with all your seeming imperfections.
D:Day34.8 Realize the importance and the power of your willingness to say  yes.

yesterday (6)

C:26.16 worries of today leave your mind? Can you let the disappointments of  yesterday go and be no more? Can you let the planning for the future
T2:10.14 as well from the static state of trying to hang on to who you were  yesterday, or trying to prevent change tomorrow.
D:Day5.4 As we said  yesterday, our form of meditation, a meditation that is not a tool
D:Day8.6 pre-judge your job, to assume that the conditions you did not like  yesterday will be the same today.
D:Day15.23 the unknown. It allows the continuing realization that what you knew  yesterday was as nothing to what you know today, while at the same
D:Day22.1 for there is a confusion that can occur in regards to channeling.  Yesterday we spoke of teachers being channels during the time of

yesterday’s (2)

D:Day4.5 As we discussed in  yesterday’s dialogue, learning has not been a choice. Both as divine
D:Day40.26 Perhaps you have noticed that in  yesterday’s discussion of who I Am to you and today’s discussion of

yet (377)

yield (2)

D:Day30.1 once a common denominator is found, your own fractiousness can  yield to wholeness through the common denominator of the self. A
D:Day30.1 which yields to wholeness. This yielding is a natural process. To  yield is to give up, surrender, but also to produce and bear fruit.

yielding (1)

D:Day30.1 A common denominator is simply that which yields to wholeness. This  yielding is a natural process. To yield is to give up, surrender, but

yields (1)

D:Day30.1 denominator of the self. A common denominator is simply that which  yields to wholeness. This yielding is a natural process. To yield is

yoga (1)

T2:9.2 of as tools might be meditation, exercises of the body such as  yoga, or exercises of the mind such as affirmations. These tools are

yon (1)

C:7.13 sisters, and find at times pieces of yourself scattered hither and  yon, knowing they are lost to you but not knowing how this loss came

you (11929)

you’re (1)

you’ve (2)

young (16)

C:P.40 To tell someone, even a  young child, that a caterpillar becomes a butterfly is seemingly
C:4.14 or as something that can be maintained. It is the purview of the  young, and the daydream of the aging. It is synonymous with passion
C:6.11 out from it. What fun would such a heaven be for those of you still  young and full of vigor? Those still willing to face another battle?
C:6.12 for the end of life, and so you scream at the unfairness when a  young one leaves the world. Heaven is not for the young, you say. How
C:6.12 unfairness when a young one leaves the world. Heaven is not for the  young, you say. How unfair that those who die young have not had a
C:6.12 Heaven is not for the young, you say. How unfair that those who die  young have not had a chance at life, a chance to face the struggle
C:6.17 Creation becomes the new frontier, the occupation of those too  young to rest, too interested in living still to welcome the peace of
C:17.1 who you are is no luxury reserved for the idle rich, or the very  young or old. Being who you are is necessary for the completion of
C:26.1 We have talked before of the tragedy you feel when anyone dies  young. You each have some notion of what you believe a full life to
T1:2.13 window. It might be a deathbed vision or the first sunset of which a  young child is aware. It might be a scene taken totally for granted
T3:15.1 changes in locale and employment. Each new school year of the  young provides a fresh start. Deaths of loved ones and the births of
T3:21.22 to a white man or a Muslim to a Christian. It will not matter if a  young person looks to one his or her own age or turns to someone
D:Day9.29 All you need do is look at a  young child to see the joy, beauty, and truth of expression. You,
D:Day9.29 see the joy, beauty, and truth of expression. You, too, were once a  young child. You are still the same self you were then. You are,
D:Day28.3 of simple external movement through life. Many people, especially  young adults, have little experience other than this. Their lives are
D:Day28.4 of awareness increases with the increase in choices available. As  young people do not usually move away from the home of their parents

your (4729)

yours (52)

yourself (554)

yourselves (5)

youth (1)

D:14.12 many birth “days” since your actual birth, progressing from  youth to adolescence to maturity, as well as many days of birthing